soviet screenwriters câu
Screenwriters: Michael McDowell, Larry Wilson and Warren SkaarenTác giả kịch bản: Michael McDowell, Larry Wilson, Warren Skaaren Neil ...

american screenwriters
Christopher Markus and Stephen McFeely are American screenwriters and producers.Christopher Markus và Stephen McFeely là hai nhà biên k...

british screenwriters
Neal Purvis (born 9 September 1961) and Robert Wade (born 1962) are British screenwriters who co-wrote the six James Bond films from Th...

english screenwriters
Neal Purvis (born 9 September 1961) and Robert Wade (born 1962) are English screenwriters, who have co-written the five James Bond film...

women screenwriters
The percentage of women screenwriters in Hollywood is still very low.Ảnh hưởng của phụ nữ trong phim Hollywood vẫn quá thấp

President Richard Nixon issued this warning to the Soviets:Tổng thống Richard Nixon đưa ra lời cảnh báo tới Soviet: Why does this thing...

supreme soviet of the soviet union
Primakov, Yevgeny Maksimovich, Speaker of the Soviet of the Union of the Supreme Soviet of the Soviet UnionPrimakov, Yevgeny Maksimovic...

petrograd soviet
The Petrograd Soviet is our Government.Xô Viết Petrograd mới chính là chính phủ của chúng ta. "Petrograd Soviet of Workers and Soldier...

soviet (council)
On November 18, 1993, the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet (Council) of the Pridnestrovian Moldavian Republic made decision on issuing t...

soviet actors
The film was directed by director Leonid Gaidai and starred several famous Soviet actors, including Yuri Nikulin, Andrei Mironov, Anato...

soviet architecture
You know the Soviet architecture of that building is the conservation.Bạn biết kiến trúc Soviet của tòa nhà là sự bảo thủ. Its massive...

soviet army
You have been liberated by the Soviet Army!Các bạn đã được giải phóng... Bởi quân đội Xô Viết! The Soviet Army launches its last assau...

soviet art
Moscow’s 1980 Games logo drew on classic elements of Soviet artBiểu tượng của Mátxcơva 1980 đã hội tụ trên mình các yếu tố cổ điển c...

soviet athletes
The 1952 Summer Olympics in Helsinki were the first Olympic Games for Soviet athletes.Thế vận hội Mùa hè 1952 tại Helsinki là kì Đại hộ...

soviet children
Soviet children must wear red scarfs when going to school.Học sinh phải đeo khăn quàng đỏ khi họ đến trường. In the 1960s, Chukovsky d...

soviet composers
During his stay in the USSR, he visited Moscow and met several leading Soviet composers, including Dmitri Shostakovich and Aram Khachat...

soviet cosmonauts
They boldly predicted that Soviet cosmonauts would celebrate the Russian Revolution’s 50th anniversary, in 1967, on the Moon.Họ dự báo ...

soviet cuisine
Main articles: Culture of Kazakhstan, Culture of the Soviet Union, Censorship in the Soviet Union, Kazakh clothing, Kazakh cuisine, Mus...

soviet culture
Romanov, Alexei Vladimirovich, editor of the newspaper "Soviet Culture"Romanov, Alexei Vladimirovich, nhà báo tờ "Văn hóa Xô Viết" In ...

soviet cup
During a 20-year professional sports career, Yashin's exceptional reflexes even allowed him to be a multi-sport champion, winning the S...

soviet empire
Their goal: the reestablishment of the old Soviet empire.Mục tiêu của họ là tái lập 'đế chế' Xô Viết cũ. Putin has ambitions to recrea...

soviet films
Soviet films, of course, did not show this.” (ch.Bộ phim của Liên Xô, tất nhiên, đã không cho thấy điều này. ' Soviet films, of course...

soviet fronts
From the second half of 1943 to the end of World War II, SU-152s were used on all Soviet fronts: from Finland to the Crimea.Từ nửa sau ...

soviet generals
The 22nd June losses were a huge shock for the Soviet generals.Tổn thất vào ngày 22/6 là một cú sốc lớn cho các tướng lĩnh Xô viết. Th...

soviet historians
^ "The intentionally misleading account of Hitler's death by cyanide poisoning put about by Soviet historians ... can be dismissed."^ "...